Social Anxiety

Should I Care What Everyone Else Thinks?

Should I Care What Everyone Else Thinks? In a word, no. But this of course is impossible. When people tell me they’re struggling with social anxiety, low self-confidence, low self-esteem, and thoughts of “not being good enough,” often the first thought (and sometimes verbal response to my clients) is, “stop [...]

Practical Advice for Overcoming Shyness and Social Anxiety

Practical Advice for Overcoming Shyness and Social Anxiety Recently I was requested to be a guest speaker on a podcast discussing strategies for overcoming shyness and social anxiety. I would like to thank the hosts of "Shellbreakers," for having me on their show. We had a great discussion about [...]

Overcoming your fear of rejection

Overcoming your fear of rejection It's time to get good at getting rejected! What? That sounds like a terrible idea! If you’re like millions of Americans struggling with social anxiety, then you are probably thinking that there is no way you want to get good at getting rejected. The whole point [...]

Why can’t I make any friends as an adult?

Why can't I make any friends as an adult? This is a question that keeps coming up time and again. Whether it’s in a social anxiety group, a class on overcoming shyness, or just a conversation I am having with an individual client, adults want to know the answer to [...]

5 Reasons to get outside this Summer

5 Reasons to get outside this Summer We’re now a month into Summer, and are you getting outside as much as you would like to? Here are some reasons why it’s worth putting that effort in and following through on some activities, not just talking about it. 1. Improve mood [...]

Sleep, Anxiety, and Mental Health

Sleep, Anxiety, and Mental Health Substantial research indicates sleep has direct impacts on various aspects of health and mental health including learning, stress, and mood. It probably does not come as a surprise to people that when they get better sleep, they feel better the next morning. However, what may [...]

Technology and Anxiety and Stress

Technology and Anxiety and Stress Preliminary research is coming out of Great Britain investigating the relationship between technology (smartphone use) and anxiety and stress.  Early reports suggest those individuals who use their smartphones more frequently also experience higher stress levels.  Clearly a cause-and-effect relationship cannot be concluded from such limited [...]

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